Magical Blogorail ~ Most Magical Disney Memories
Welcome to those of you joining me from Disney Donna Kay and those of you just hopping aboard. I am the 3rd stop on our Magical Blogorail.
Here are some of my most magical Disney moments:
Magic Kingdom with Nanna & Grandpa
I hadn’t been to Disney World since my own childhood, now returning as a mom myself, with the grandparents in tow. That entire trip was magical, and totally sold me on bringing grandparents along to Disney!
It’s hard to top the Magic Kingdom for memory milestones, and I think we were all touched the day we entered the gates and headed right for the Walt Disney Railroad. My dad’s rule: You have to ride the railroad first thing, to start your day. 🙂
Sharing this Happy Place with extended family, merging my fond memories with now watching my own child discover this exciting place, was pretty darn priceless.
Baby Meeting Mickey Mouse the 1st Time
At the tender at of 12 months, I’m not sure how much of this particular experience my son will remember. But for his mom, it was a moment. The first time your child (or grandchild!) meets Mickey Mouse is kindof a big deal, and definitely ranks as a cherished memory for we Disney parents.
And I loved that he wasn’t scared at all of the characters. Except for Tigger. But that was only because of the handler’s startlingly loud laugh (… that’s another story).
My Little Rapunzel
Knowing it was quite likely my little princess’ last “dress up” trip to Disney, and having this coincide with both her first trip to Bibbidi Boppidi Boutique for a royal makeover AND meeting her favorite princess for the very first time… whew!... was an emotional Trifecta for mom.
My daughter ate up every moment of this amazing day. Such a precious memory!
Total Stranger’s Comment, After Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue
This dinner show is all it’s cracked up to be, and more. We all laughed. We all loved the food. We all had a wonderful time. And for me, one of the reasons that Disney is such a magical place is their ability to take a room full of people, all ages… and make every single one of them smile.
As we left after the show that night, an elderly gentlemen being pushed in his wheelchair commented to a Cast Member by the door, “That was wonderful. This is the most fun I’ve had my whole trip!”
A cliche? Perhaps. But watching this fireworks show over the castle makes my heart soar. Every. Single. Time. Wishes is the magical memory I can count on… every trip!
Thank you for joining me today. Your next stop on the Magical Blogorail Loop is A World View.
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Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail should you happen to have to make a stop along the way and want to reboard:
1st Stop ~ My Dreams of Disney
2nd Stop ~ Disney Donna Kay
3rd Stop ~ Colorado Mountain Mom (You are here!)
4th Stop ~ A World View
Final Stop ~ Growing Up Disney
Comments (6)
Donna Kay
October 18, 2013 at 1:23 pm
Tami, I cannot wait for my first trip with my grandbabies!! Your daughter made a beautiful Rapunzel!! Great memories!!
October 21, 2013 at 4:04 pm
Thank you Donna! And I can’t wait to see those “trip with grandbabies” pictures! Have to say, that’s been our best Disney trip – what a wonderful thing to share across 3 generations.
Amy E
October 18, 2013 at 3:05 pm
Thanks for sharing your stories! We haven’t done BBB yet but I’m sure we will. Sounds like a wonderful experience and not just for the little girls. And wow…I LOVE the comment from the guest about Hoop Dee Doo!
October 21, 2013 at 3:59 pm
Thanks, Amy 🙂
I wasn’t sure if my story about Hoop Dee Doo would “translate” to the post, but it really was touching to see how happy he was. Your girls will be so beautiful with their BBB makeovers. It’s so fun, and I loved seeing my daughter be so mystified by their staying in period/character!
October 19, 2013 at 10:09 pm
Oh my goodness Tami- you have so many truly magical moments listed here I don’t know where to begin. I was most touched my your first trip as a mom, with your parents in company. What a rite of passage it is! (And I’m with your dad, Walt Disney World Railroad first!!)
October 21, 2013 at 4:02 pm
Your comment made me smile, thanks so much! 🙂 You pour out your heart more than others with some posts, so it’s lovely to hear when someone enjoyed it, and is right there sharing your feelings!
And yes, that “Railroad 1st” tradition really is a good one to follow. 😉