Mountain Valley Spring water offers natural spring water from a single source in the mountains, and they offer home and office delivery. Staying hydrated is just one of my "6 Tips for Staying Healthy in Winter"

6 Tips for Staying Healthy In Winter

December 12, 2016COMtnMom
Mountain Valley Spring water offers natural spring water from a single source in the mountains, and they offer home and office delivery. Staying hydrated is just one of my "6 Tips for Staying Healthy in Winter"
Photo credit Mountain Valley Spring Water

This season my family and I had dodged the sickness bullet thusfar, until my kids came down with a cold the past week.  Those are pretty manageable, so if that’s the worst we see I’ll be very grateful.  Gratitude aside, there are steps you can take to help minimize the sickness in your household this winter.  Always good to have a reminder this time of year, so take a look at these tips for staying healthy in winter.

Get a Flu Shot

I used to go back and forth on this  one.  And frankly, I’m the only one in my family that gets a flu shot.  But I’m also the one who has TWICE dodged a bad round of the flu that my entire family had… except for me.  It’s not rocket science, and I feel like that’s sufficient evidence of their effectiveness for me to continue to get one.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Mountain Valley Spring water offers natural spring water from a single source in the mountains, and they offer home and office delivery. Staying hydrated is just one of my "6 Tips for Staying Healthy in Winter"
Photo credit Mountain Valley Spring Water

I’ve never really understood why winter is a “dryer air” season?  Static in your hair, dry flakey skin, and waking up with a dry, parched throat are all symptoms.

It’s why this time of year is a good opportunity to revisit your hydration habits.  I think my living in a desert, being an avid hiker, and appreciating fitness are all reasons I’m highly aware of my hydration needs.  And staying hydrated will keep your body systems (including your immune system) well lubricated and functioning at their best.

You may want to consider a natural spring water office or home delivery, such as Mountain Valley Spring Water.  As opposed to other companies that pump their water from multiple sources, Mountain Valley comes from a single gravity-fed spring in the Ouachita Mountains, which rises naturally to the surface of the Earth. The water is 100% pure and free of contaminants, chemicals and additives, and has been used to bottle water for 145 years.  Check for a distributor location near you – they are now available in the Denver area.

Get Moving

Keep moving with even just 15 to 20 minute walk each day is one of my "6 Tips for Staying Healthy in Winter"
Last winter I trained for my first half marathon. Not gonna lie… so happy to be over it. Back to walking and biking for me!

Did someone gift you a FitBit?  Let it inspire you to be more aware of your movement levels throughout the day.  Personally, my fitness route has been lacking this past few months.  Those short, dark days and cold temperature don’t help any.

But even just a 15-20 minute walk during your day will go a long way towards maintaining your health.  I’d say 30 minutes is ideal, but if that’s overwhelming or your day is just too busy… doing a 15 minute daily walk is much better than nothing.  It will make you stronger, and contribute to giving your body a fighting chance against those bugger germs that will inevitably cross your path.

Have Emergen-C Packets on Hand

Have you ever noticed these little Emergen-C packets available for individual sale, at places like hotel sundry shops and airports?  They are a super charged dose of Vitamin C and other power-packed germ fighters, that you dissolve in a glass of water.  Offered in fruit flavors, the taste is pretty good.  I buy a large box of them at Walmart, to have on hand.

I don’t take them on a daily basis, but I’m a firm believer in taking them when I am having a stressful/run down week, or feel that scratchy throat coming on.  I think they can either ward off getting sick all together, or at least give you a jump start on fighting your cold and keeping the ugly symptoms at a minimum.

Eat Your Veg

Ever stop and take a look at what you eat during the day?  How about just counting the number of fruits and vegetables you ate yesterday?

Dire, isn’t it?

As a mom, I’m pretty good about tracking this for my kids.  Packing each in their lunch.  Encouraging them to eat plenty of fruits of vegetables.  But for myself, I drop the ball.  During cold and flu season, it’s even more vital.  Getting your nutrients from food works much better than any kind of supplement or vitamin pill you can take.


Sleep is just one of my "6 Tips for Staying Healthy in Winter"
Catch your zzzz’s when you can.

Aaahhh…. it’s my favorite one!!  Hahaha.  Yeah, I’m a nap fan.  I was just explaining to my middle schooler how amazing and restorative sleep is to our bodies.   There’s nothing else quite like it, and getting sufficient sleep may be one of your best defenses to stay healthy this winter.

This one’s easy.  Start today.  🙂

*o*     *o*     *o*

Consideration provided by brands mentioned in this post.

Beyond just hand washing, here are some easy tips for your family health, to avoid sickness this winter and throughout the  year. Stay healthy!


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