100 Miles From Nowhere
I recently received some news about a new 8-episode show to be aired Animal Planet that looks really good, and I thought it would appeal to my outdoor-loving readers. 100 Miles From Nowhere, features “three ordinary guys who leave behind their normal lives to trek 100 miles of rugged, unapologetic terrain in the middle of nowhere.”
100 Miles From Nowhere ~ Animal Planet TV Series
Utah-based Matt Galland, Danny Bryson and Blake Josephson not only trek through the most extreme areas throughout the world, but also burn over 10,000 calories a day as they run, raft, ski and climb up steep mountains, through insufferably hot deserts, within snake-infested jungles and along freezing-cold canyons.
Also, there’s no video crew (no camera person can keep up with them) so they film each four-day journey themselves. The only thing keeping them going are the pre-arranged bear drops set every 25 miles to replenish their strength and stamina with food and supplies.
100 Miles From Nowhere premieres Sunday, April 5th at 10pm ET. I watched this preview clip, and I definitely think these guys are crazy and entertaining enough to watch:
Preview: http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/100-miles-from-nowhere/100-miles-from-nowhere/
I plan to catch a few episodes… what do you think of the show?
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