Ultimate Blog Party
It’s my first year attending the ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY – wooo hooo! (On accounta it’s my first year blogging … yeah, me!) This calls for a castle and some fireworks, does it not?

What is a Blog Party?
The Ultimate Blog Party, now hitting its sixth year, is hosted by 5MinutesForMom.com and is set to run April 13 through April 20, 2012. Check out http://
Since my introduction to the world of blogging and visiting a multitude of delightful blogs out there on the net – I must say that 5 Minutes For Mom is one of my favorite sites. They feature a range of fun and informative posts.
I plan on discovering some cool new blogs this week during the Ultimate Blog Party… so please leave a comment below letting me know where to find you!
Welcome to Colorado Mountain Mom
If this is your first time here – thanks for dropping by! My blog is a little bit all-over-the-map, as am I. (There’s just so many things to LIKE and DO in this life … don’t you agree?)
I do love, love, LOVE all things Disney. We have so much fun there – can you see why I keep wanting to go again and again?

If you have not taken your family to Disney, but are considering doing so – please check out my posts on why staying at a Disney Resort is so fabulous and can even save you money, and whether you should bring a set of grandparents along on the trip?
Other than Disney stuff ~ you’ll find a little bit of everything here on my blog…
- Sometimes a Pumpkin Buttermilk Pancake Recipe.
- Maybe an Easy Hand Made Baby Gift Idea for $15.
- Or just a funny story about the way my 1st grader’s mind works (like her take on my bad haircut).
- If you’d like to select any item of your choice from a fun new online boutique, please enter my giveaway while you’re here (on my blog, thru Sunday 4/15).
Don’t Forget to Say “Hi”
Please let me know you stopped by – I’d love to check out your site, too! And if you are a blogger, I’d love it if you’d share….
…what is the neatest opportunity that blogging has brought your way?
Now go have yourself a Pixie Dusted Day!!
*o* *o* *o*
Comments (18)
ashley picco (mamawee)
April 13, 2012 at 1:59 am
Hello there! I am also a fellow disney lover! We honeymooned there in 2006 and took a family vacay (with the grandparents) in 2011…can’t wait to go back again!
Feel free to stop by my party post http://www.talesofmommyhood.com/2012/04/ubp-12.html
April 13, 2012 at 3:15 am
I really do need to go to Disney. I haven’t been there in a while.
Here are my UBP12 links. Hope you can stop by!
Life Less Brooke Would Be Ordinary
Tell Me A Yarn
The Bluestocking Guide
Dana (@DragynAlly)
April 13, 2012 at 4:18 am
Why is this my first time leaving a comment? Love you’re site.
Dana (@DragynAlly)
April 13, 2012 at 4:19 am
And the neatest opportunity is interviewing stars of TV shows! So cool.
April 13, 2012 at 4:19 am
Hi! I’m in Colorado too! We are originally from Florida, so you know we go to Disney!
April 13, 2012 at 2:19 pm
We went to Disney for Spring Break and had a blast as always! Love your blog!
April 13, 2012 at 11:25 pm
I’m stopping by from UBP 12. I love your blog. I’m following on twitter and liked on facebook. If you get a chance stop on over to http://www.thenymelrosefamily.blogspot.com.
Darci the STEM mom
April 14, 2012 at 1:47 am
Great to meet new bloggers such as myself! Looks like you’re off to a great start! If you have any tips, I’d love to hear them!
Lisa- The Domestic Life Stylist
April 14, 2012 at 2:29 am
Hi there! I have only been to Disney once many years ago. But I am about to visit as an adult and mom in a few weeks. I can’t wait to see the look on my daughter’s face.
If you have some time come by my blog and hang out awhile 🙂
April 14, 2012 at 3:09 am
Yay, party time! Hope you have a great weekend!
Flower Bubbles
April 14, 2012 at 3:16 am
I can’t wait to go back to Disneyland! We were there 2 years ago and already so much has changed!!
Happy UBP12! 🙂
JDaniel4’s Mom
April 15, 2012 at 1:48 am
We haven’t been to Disney yet, but I think my son would love it.
Stopping by from the UBP!
April 15, 2012 at 11:08 pm
I am here in a round about way from the UBP12…I saw Coloardo Mountain Mom on a comment you left somewhere…I don’t remember where! I LOVE Colorado and I have been to Disney several times. The neatest opportunity blogging has brought me is the connection I have made with other Christian women bloggers.
Have a great day!
Kelly Stilwell
April 19, 2012 at 10:32 pm
I live a little under 2 hours from Disney, and we love it, too! My oldest daughter wants to work for Disney or Pixar, and is reading Walt’s biography now. We go to Disney at least once every few months. Especially love Dwntwn Disney 🙂
Nice to “meet” you. Hope you’ll drop by and say “hi” on your UBP journey!
Phoenix The Blogging Mama
April 20, 2012 at 4:25 am
It’s so nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my FB page. 🙂 Disney looks like a lot of fun and you have a beautiful family. Would love to be able to take my kiddos at some point. Going to check out your post on staying at the resort, thanks so much for the good info!
April 21, 2012 at 1:13 am
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my FB page for the UBP party! I love Disney, but haven’t been since I was a child. I would love to take my kids there some day! I’m following you now too!
Samantha @ KreativeKaring
April 25, 2012 at 7:57 am
Blogging has brought so many opportunities for me. It’s a great way to meet people and a great stress reliever. I also love giving things away when I get that option.
I’m returning the visit, and already like and follow you facebook/twitter. Hope you have an awesome day!
November 2, 2012 at 12:19 am
Going to Disney is on my Bucket List. I have never been 🙁
Found your blog via Twitter. Love what I have read so far. Going to add you to my reading list.
BTW, I love your name too! 🙂