4 Characters to Know from DC’s Stargirl

The vault of characters stored within the DC Universe is vast, diverse, and not just for comic book nerds. One especially intriguing character has resurfaced with the show Stargirl, executive produced by Geoff Johns, which began airing in 2020 and follows high schooler Courtney Whitmore as she learns to tap into newfound superhero powers.
There’s a multitude of reasons to love this addition to the DCU, including the usual characteristics of superhero shows: flashy costumes, colorful, dramatic visuals, and an exciting, action-packed storyline.
Stargirl’s cast of characters is a compelling draw as well. Here are four characters from Stargirl to love for different reasons:
Pat Dugan, Also Known as S.T.R.I.P.E.

Pat Dugan is the stepdad of Courtney Whitmore (a.k.a. Stargirl). 10 years before Stargirl takes place, Pat was sidekick to the hero Starman, who, before he was killed, used a staff that Courtney now possesses. With Courtney learning how to be Stargirl and putting together the Justice Society of America, a team of adolescent heroes with abilities they inherited from older DC characters, Pat is able (though not completely willing) to provide advice and assistance.
Pat is also known as Stripesy thanks to the giant metal robot suit he controls, called S.T.R.I.P.E. Played by the endearing Luke Wilson, Pat is a joy to see onscreen.
Yolanda Montez, Also Known As Wildcat II
Just as Stargirl carries on the work of Starman, several of her friends have powerful abilities that originated in an older generation. In Stargirl, Yolanda Montez is an excellent boxer with a formidable set of retractable claws and superior agility inherited from Wildcat.
She also withstands judgment and bullying from her fellow high schoolers, a superheroic feat in itself. She’s played by Yvette Monreal.
Rick Tyler, Also Known As Hourman II

Rick Tyler lost his father Rex, the original Hourman, in a car accident when he was a child. As a classmate and friend of Courtney’s, Rick takes on the same powers his father had and joins the Justice Society of America, which is made up of Courtney, Yolanda, Rick, and several other Gen Z superheroes. Played by Cameron Gellman, Rick is something of a bad boy dealing with anger issues and delinquent behavior.
Henry King Sr., Also Known As Brainwave
Henry King Sr.’s day job is as an accomplished neurosurgeon, but the precision and intelligence required for that job translate into villainy to fuel his other, more dominant identity as Brainwave. He’s a member of the sensibly named Injustice Society of America, and is responsible for killing the original Starman. His cold, rigid demeanor and ruthless attitude make him an interesting and imposing villain.
All the characters surrounding Stargirl come into the story with unique and powerful personal narratives. Since the new generation of superheros like Stargirl and Wildcat II have powers that originated with older characters, showmakers and viewers alike can find excitement and satisfaction seeing how long-told stories play out and new conflicts arise.
Season 2 will air in 2021, bringing forth more action, drama, and teenage heroics. With characters like Courtney, Yolanda, and Rick, Stargirl embraces the idea that young people are the heroes of the future — and the future is upon us.