4 Ways to Nurture & Protect Your Skin This Summer
May being Melanoma Awareness Month is always a timely reminder, as we head into the lovely summer months! I adore sunny summer days, and lots of playing outside. But skin cancer is a real threat, and it’s a topic that hits close to home for me. My husband and I both have had run-ins with skin cancer, and it’s not fun. And as most people know, it’s usually preventable.
Add in the fact that sun can dry you out and prematurely age you likka prune… and it’s definitely worth taking a look at a few ideas to nurture and protect your skin this time of year!
4 Ways to Nurture & Protect Your Skin
At this stage in my life, I have many reasons to take good care of my skin. Being outdoors in the sunshine is one of my favorite things, so avoiding the sun is not an option. I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks to nurture your skin, protect yourself against skin cancer, and promote anti-aging as much as possible.
Protect it. Baby it. It’s the only skin you’ve got!
# 1 Use a Sport Sunscreen

This one’s pretty obvious. It’s so important to make sure your kids wear sunscreen, too. We’ve found that even when wearing a sunhat, my 12 year old daughter’s face burns so easily. So she’s become really good about applying sunscreen.
Don’t forget yourself! I’m ashamed to say on our recent trip to Florida, I slathered my children with sunscreen at the beach… but neglected to apply any myself. For absolutely no reason that makes any sense. I got my first sunburn in quite some time – so foolish!
Wearing a waterproof “sport” sunscreen seems to stay put even better than the regular kind, especially when you are going to be active. One easy to find brand that is paraben-free and affordably priced is NO-AD Sunscreen. They offer a NO-AD Sport Sunscreen that is 50 SPF. 50! Surveys show that moms are still unsure about how much sunscreen to use and when. Check out the cool infographic at the bottom of this post for helpful tips on sunscreen use.
# 2 Organic Skin Care Routine

Whether you’ve spent the day in the sun or indoors, here’s another big favor you can do for your skin (and yourself). Nothing makes you feel more pampered at home than using a quality skin care line. Having a consistent skin care regimen you follow every day will go a long way towards keeping your skin youthful looking.
Which may sound high maintenance, but it’s really not. All it needs to entail is using some products with quality ingredients, and washing/moisturizing your face and neck each day. The very first thing I did in my quest to start a good skincare routine was read reviews (such as a Hydroquinone cream review that I’m interested in). Throw in exfoliating a couple of times per week, whether you think you need the anti-aging benefits, or not. It gets rid of the yukky dead skin cells and build up from our polluted environment, and restores a nice glow to your skin.
I’m currently enjoying my trail of the skin care line by Pangea Organics. It’s not off the charts expensive (like some skin care can be), and the earthy natural scents make you feel like you’re in a spa. My top picks are their soothing, award winning Pangea Organics Facial Mask (with Japanese Matcha Tea With Acai & Goji Berry), and the refreshing spray-on Pangea Organics Facial Toner (with Italian Green Mandarin and Sweet Lime). Bliss!
#3 Cover Up!

Even better than sunscreen… cover up that skin! But what about if it’s a really hot day, should you strip down to the bare minimum in order to stay cool?
No. Take a lesson from the many cultures of the world who know that covering your skin from the sun actually keeps you cooler. You just need the right type of fabric, and a loose cut.
I’ve been wearing the ExOfficio Sol Cool™ Performance Hoody that fits this bill, and it’s pretty darn amazing. t’s super light weight, has a soft and silky feeling, and the design offers fantastic coverage from a hood down to thumb holes. The technical fabric is designed to literally cool down your skin. I Highly flattering cut, and runs true to size. It also neutralizes odor to prolong the time it can be worn, making it ideal for travelers or those on outdoor adventures. Comes in a mens version, too.
#4 Hat that Covers Your Ears

Baseball style caps are one of my favorite things. But alas, I now have a spot of skin cancer on my ear. Honestly, if you are going to be out in the direct sun for a period of time (like an unshaded hike)… up your game to wearing a wide brim sun hat. It’s smarter. And if you get one that’s well designed, it can be comfortable while helping keeping you cooler.
Check out hat makers Sun Day Afternoons. They’ve got tons of styles and well thought out designs, for every member of the family. One of my favorites is the womens Sundancer Hat. The dark under-brim cuts down on sun glare, and it even has a hole for your pony tail. Comes in lots of gorgeous color choices. If you like it, grab one now – it’s currently on sale!
How Much Sunscreen and When?
In honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month of May, please play it smart. Now go have fun in the sun this summer!
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I received free samples of some of the products mentioned, and have partnered with some of the brands discussed in this article. All opinions are my own.