An Apology, A Makeover, and a Mountain I’m About to Climb

This is one of those (for me, rare) chit-chat kind of blog posts, since there were a few things I felt like telling you guys. I’ve used headings for your quick perusal, in case only part of that title interested you…
An Apology
At it’s heart, I like to believe the soul of my blog is my love of writing and sharing some of the fun things in life. I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been sucked over to the “other side” (dare I call it the dark side) of writing reviews. And here lately, it’s lots and lots of reviews.
But I always tried to balance it. I had this little unwritten rule for my blog: For every review, I’ll post a completely non-business-affiliated article.
Then I get these greedy streaks, where I pitch a bunch of companies for cool stuff I’d like to try… all at once. I just went through one of those waves. And I kick myself every time I do it. Then blogging turns into a chore, with assumed deadlines I know I should meet. Definitely can take the fun out of it.
So right now I’m working through one of those gear review gluts, and I apologize for how many reviews, and only reviews, I’ve been posting lately. Please bear with me. (And if you are in the market for any of that outdoor type gear, I actually have stumbled across some really quality stuff – especially for kids.)
While I plan to wind down on the gear reviews, I’ll warn you that you’ll continue to see sponsored posts. Cause that money has started going directly into the “Disney World in 2014 or Bust” fund! The first trip we’ll be purchasing 4 plane tickets, instead of just 3. Ouch. So yes, I’m willing to pimp my blog out for a good cause like that!
A Makeover
A friend I met at the Conversations With Coca-Cola conference I went to in Atlanta last Fall has decided to fire her blog design business back up. So she’s tackled giving my site a makeover. I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile now. It’s been a fun and really interesting process (ever wondered how they know how to design something you will love?), and I’m about to reveal the newly made over Colorado Mountain Mom!
It’s unique and fun – she’s doing an amazing job. I’m really, really excited to show it to you and to start using it. Coming very soon.
A Mountain I’m About to Climb
About a month ago I heard that Grape-Nuts was going to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary’s historical climb of Mt. Everest (during which he ate Grape Nuts) by paying 60 hikers across the country to summit the mountain of their choice.
Handing out Grape Nuts Fit samples (their new granola type cereal) along the trail, of course.
And I now know, wearing a really bright purple t-shirt that says “Grape Nuts” on it.
So anywhoo…. I applied, and was selected. I’ll be climbing Mt. Garfield in Western Colorado on Memorial Day with my little brother (a.k.a., my “Sherpa”) and if the babysitter pans out, hopefully my husband. I haven’t had the opportunity to tackle something like this in quite some time. I’m a little nervous, since I’ve heard it’s an incredibly steep climb. Ready or not, here we gooooo! I have to summit and get that money shot, to receive my $500 Grape Nuts Summit Sampler check.
I’m pretty sure I can do it. After all, that too is going in the “Disney World in 2014 or Bust” fund. 🙂
*o* *o* *o*
Comments (9)
Amy, Using Our Words
May 25, 2013 at 2:37 pm
Such exciting stuff happening for you. I love it! Best of luck this weekend…can’t wait to hear about your adventure!
May 26, 2013 at 2:14 am
Thanks, Amy! It may be exactly that. It’s always been an incentive for me to try and keep up with the boys. 🙂
Holly (DisFanInCO)
May 25, 2013 at 3:00 pm
Yay! I’m so excited to see what the redesign looks like! I may have to chat with you about the whole process sometime soon as I desperately need a makeover 🙂
Good luck on the climb Monday! I know you’ll rock it. I’ll be flying over you on our way to our first stop in Cali, so I’ll send positive vibes your way!
May 26, 2013 at 2:15 am
Yes, we’ll chat about the makeover. It was fun. Excited to see what you think!
Have an awesome time in Cali. I’m guessing Mickey and a castle will be involved….? You Lucky Disney Girl, you. 😉
Lisa from Gone With The Family
May 25, 2013 at 3:25 pm
No need to apologize! Can’t wait to see the new look and good luck with that climb!! 🙂
May 26, 2013 at 2:16 am
Thanks, Lisa! I’m getting kindof excited for the climb. Something about declaring your intentions to others really seems to make that commitment really sink in?! Ha.
May 25, 2013 at 11:30 pm
I like to read your reviews. Looking forward to the redesign too. Hope you write a post on your climb. 🙂 I would be very interested to hear about it.
May 26, 2013 at 2:18 am
Awww, thanks RJ! I will definitely post about the climb. Hopefully we’ll get some good pictures, too – it’s kind of ‘unique’ terrain. Borders the Wild Horse Refuge, so seeing some wild horses that day would be a huge, very cool bonus!
Mary {The World Is A Book}
May 26, 2013 at 8:08 am
If I ever need outdoor gear, I always know where to go 🙂 Looking forward to the re-design and the reveal. Good luck with the climb on Monday! I’m sure you’ll do great and can’t wait to read about it here.