As a parent of two school aged children, I confess I don’t worry too much about “stopping the summer slide”. In Western Colorado, their summers off from school are precious and…
PSA: That Time I Almost Hit a Middle-Schooler With My Car
Stunned. That’s how I still feel. Last week when driving my middle school aged daughter to school… I almost hit one of her classmates who was crossing the street. And…
Save Money & Teach Safety: Tween’s First Smartphone
We’ve reached that stage in life where my oldest child is ready for a smartphone. We waited as long as possible, putting it off at the thought of paying more…
Miserable Allergies – My Remedy of Last Resort
The allergies I keep insisting that I “don’t really have” may just be the death of me this Spring. (Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.) I always go on…
Papa Murphy’s Law Brings Calm to my Hectic Week
I work a full time job, have two young kids, and adore pursing my blogging hobby. My schedule does allow me to have Fridays off of work. It’s my blissful…
Let Fotor Photo Editor Bring Out Your Creative Side
Don’t you love stunning photographs? I’ll let you in on a little secret of bloggers who post fabulous photos on their site: Dollars to donuts, they’re using a photo editor.…
5 Foods to Boost Your Immune System
My family is trapped in a vicious cycle. Going on a month of sickness now, we’ve been sharing (and apparently re-sharing) flu and cold germs amongst ourselves. It’s frustrating to say the…
Teaching Kids Empathy and Love, Not Hate
I want my kids to grow up to be exemplary human beings. People who think of others, not just themselves. People who take a stand for what it right,…
Sqord Helps Families Play Together, Win Together
I’m excited to introduce you to Sqord, a family fitness platform that makes healthy, active play more fun for kids by allowing them to compete and earn points for everyday activities. Sqord…
Order Gorgeous Glasses That Fit using Coastal’s “MyFit” Tool
Ordering prescription eyeglasses online is easier than ever before. Being a life long glasses wearer, I’ve tried this a few times myself and was recently impressed with my Coastal experience.…