Weekly series!
Welcome to a great new way to compare notes, pick up some helpful tips for your next Disney visit, and discover some fantastic Disney bloggers! Each week I will be highlighting an interview with a certified, pixie dusted fan of The Mouse.
WARNING: Their enthusiasm for all things Disney is, in fact, quite contagious! So come along for the ride with us … you may learn something new, and it’s sure to put a smile on your face as you read about the good, the really really good, and the “you absolutely can’t miss this….”!
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This week: DisneyLifestyle Melanie!
Melanie in front of the Club 33 placard at Disneyland. |
I am a mom of 3. I am a communityhealth nurse on leave to raise my kids, though I occasionally work if the gigis right. I was born, and mostly raised, in Florida, so Disney has always been a part ofmy life.
Which is your favorite Disney Park,and why?
I am a native Floridian, so I amnaturally a Walt Disney World girl, though I have been to the Disneyland Resortin Californiaand to the Disneyland Resort Paris as well.
Within the Walt Disney World borders,Epcot is my favorite. I like the vibe of the park ~ Future World + WorldShowcase. I like the entertainment, the food, the feeling that it is a smallworld… oh wait, that is at Magic Kingdom.
Top 3 characters you’d like to meeton an ideal day at Disney:
First, Chip & Dale. I just lovethose guys, and then Prince John from the animated classic Robin Hood. He’spretty hard to find, but I have a few pictures of myself with him through theyears, and I’d love to get a new one.Ok, Chip & Dale count as one… I REALLLLLLY want to have my pic taken with the Mayor of Main Street USA.
Your 3 favorite Disney attractions,and why you love them.
The Carousel of Progress: It’s aclassic
Soarin’: Who doesn’t love Soarin’?
Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror: Noexplanation necessary.
Now for my least favorite:
I do not ride Tea Cups, period, endof discussion.
Mission: SPACE, likewise, is a no-no forvertigo.
The Magic Carpets of Aladdin: up,down, round and round makes mommy’s tummy unhappy. I go for a Dole Whipinstead, cuz it’s conveniently found close to the Carpets.
Favorite time of the year to visit?
January: Sometime after Marathon Weekend. You can’t beat the low crowds. We justpray that we don’t end up there during a notorious Floridian cold snap.
And folks should know that when it iscold in Florida,it is a cold that cuts to the bone. It is not a typical New England or Midwestern style of cold. The humidity stays in Florida year-round, soif it is going to be in the 40s or 50s, pack a good jacket!
The Park snack your day is notcomplete without.
Two words: Dole Whip
Favorite Character Meal?
I love the CrystalPalace at the Magic Kingdom.Eeyore has long been a favorite of mine, and the food is good too.
Quick tip: Make late lunchreservations around 2:15pm. The lunch service will be ending, and the dinnerservice beginning. You may get two entirely different sets of entrees anddesserts. Two meals in one!
Top 3 Disney Property restaurants youlike to eat at.
Cookes of Dublin in Downtown Disney
TuskerHouse in Animal Kingdom for lunch/dinner
Ohana atthe Polynesian Resort for dinner. Love the salad dressing.
I rarely dust or do housework of anynature… oh you said Pixie Dust.
Always have a Spoon Full of Sugarhandy for emergencies. A tiara makes any outfit look look better. And rememberthat Hidden Mickeys are everywhere. Look around your hometown and see how manyyou can find.
Any tips for people planning their 1sttrip to Disney?
Keep it simple. Know when you want togo, how long you want to stay, and have a good idea of your budget. Then callme.
Seriously, over-planning any Disneyvacation, especially your first can take the magic out of your stay. You onlyget one chance to see Cinderella Castle for the firsttime, so enjoy the moment.
How long have you been blogging aboutDisney?
My blog is almost a year old, but Ihave been writing about Disney and helping people plan trips to Disney sincebefore there was an internet.
Do you take your own pictures, and ifso – any tips for getting good shots?
I take my own photos, but I also loveDisney’s PhotoPass service. For group shots, the best tip is to always think“Pyramid.” The tallest person should be centered in the back. Then “shape” therest of your group around them. Bad things happen otherwise.
Where do you find inspiration for blogtopics to feature?
Daily life, other bloggers, my ownvacation planning… I constantly have Disney on the brain, it is in my geneticcode, so it is not too hard for me to find topics.
What is your motivation to keepblogging – or any final advice to share?
I blog for fun and because I trulyhave a passion for Disney, everything from the movies to the parks, to thelunch boxes and the books. I do not adhere to any preset schedule. I blog onlywhen I have something to say or share with other Disney enthusiasts.
Final Advice: Never write somethingyou wouldn’t want Walt Disney, himself, to read. That doesn’t mean everythingyou say about Disney must be positive, but it should be meaningful.
People like Disney because it puts asmile on their face. Enthusiasts love Disney because it touches their lives.
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A big thank you to DisneyLifestyle Melanie for sharing her insights!
You can find more great things from Melanie on both of her blogs:
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Comments (1)
January 13, 2012 at 3:17 pm
Thanks for letting me share with you. And I can't wait to see what Jackie has to say next week.