Colorado Mountain Camp ~ Overnight Adventures For Kids [Coupon Code]
If your school year looks anything like ours, summer break is coming quickly. So it’s that time of year for parents to start thinking about fun options to keep your kids busy during those upcoming weeks. Or even better yet… finding something to help make your child’s summer vacation exciting, enjoyable, and maybe even learn-a-new-skill productive!
I recently discovered a cool organization Avid4 Adventure, who has been empowering kids to choose active, outdoor lifestyles for over 10 years. In support of this goal, they put together summer day camps and overnight camps, for kids in both California and Colorado locations.
A particularly exciting option is their Colorado Mountain Camp – overnight adventure camps for kids in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Colorado!
Colorado Mountain Camp
Colorado Mountain Camp is an overnight camp offered on multiple dates, by Avid4 Adventure. They are one or two week sessions for 2-12th graders, and are located in Bailey, Colorado. What will your kids experience at Colorado Mountain Camp?
Activities and multi-day excursions offered include outdoor sports such as:
- Kayaking
- Rock Climbing
- Mountain Biking
- Stand Up Paddleboarding
- Fly Fishing
- Whitewater Rafting
- Backpacking Expeditions
- Horseback Riding
- and more!
Seriously. Can moms sign up?! How fun!
What Avid4 Adventures has to say about this experience:
“Campers will build skills in a wide range of outdoor pursuits, stretch themselves to try new things, live and learn from staff mentors who are outdoor industry experts, and make friends who share similar interests. Whether your child is brand new to some of our activities, heading away from home for the first time, or an expert in any number of disciplines, every camper will find opportunities to learn and grow. “

I appreciate that in every activity, campers also learn the principles of Leave No Trace, building awareness, appreciation and respect for the outdoors. Throughout Colorado Mountain Camp, your kids will learn technical skills from the expert Avid4 Adventure staff.
Now let’s talk about safety! As an admittedly overprotective mom, that is the first concern I have when considering sending my child away overnight. Especially if adventurous activities will be included.

Avid4 Adventure addresses the issue of safety thoroughly. There will be a nurse and clinic onsite at Colorado Mountain Camp, every activity starts with a discussion about risks, appropriate safety gear is used for all events (helmets, life jackets, etc), and all staff have safety training and certifications. If you’d like to read more about this topic, scroll down to the “Safety” section for additional info.
The camps are broken down by the age of your child, and offer two divisions:
- Colorado Mountain Camp for entering 2nd – 8th graders
- Teen Leadership Program for entering 9th – 12th graders
Check out the links above for more details on what the camp includes for each age group, along with a typical camp day’s schedule, enrollment, pricing, and available dates.
Make this summer one your outdoor adventurers will never forget, with Colorado Mountain Camp!
Colorado Mountain Camp ~ Coupon Code
Interested in Colorado Mountain Camp for your kids this summer? Readers of Colorado Mountain Mom can use this exclusive coupon code to receive $150 off your enrollment fee: mountainmom
Have a wonderful summer, and enjoy your outdoor adventures!
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This post was written in collaboration with one of this blog’s partners. All opinions are my own.