4 Things I Always Take Pictures of at Disney World
Hooray for Disney Wordless Wednesday! With only 27 sleeps left on my family’s countdown to our next Disney World vacation, I enjoyed looking through photos for this week’s theme. Here are the four most common things I always take pictures of.
# 1 – The Castle and Fireworks
I don’t want to talk about Wishes going away. *sob* At least we’ll get to see it one last time.
#2 – Family Photo Entering Magic Kingdom
A classic. It’s no small feat to pull this off, either… as my family’s always vibrating with excitement to get inside Magic Kingdom and start our day of fun!
#3 – Disney Food, Particularly Mickey Waffles
A blogger’s annoying habit. “DON’T EAT THAT YET!!!” 🙂
#4 – My kids with Mickey
I wish I had used some consistent pose/character/location for photos with my kids on our trips through the years, like I’ve seen some parents do. Oh, well… shots like this still make me happy.
It doesn’t matter where we find Mickey, seeing him is always a highlight! Thrilled to be headed back to Garden Grill this next trip, since we had a blast with the characters last time we were there.
That’s a wrap! Click the icon to head over to Deb at Focused on the Magic for this fun weekly blog hop. There you can check out all the other awesome Disney “4 Things I Always Take Pictures Of” posts.

*o* *o* *o*
Comments (6)
Deb Silhan
March 29, 2017 at 7:43 pm
Love, love, love, love! We have a favorite flower cart in the Magic Kingdom that we take a picture in front of. That is if we can find it. They move it around a lot. We’ve been doing it since 1991!
Hope you have a magical trip!!
March 30, 2017 at 1:05 am
Haha – that’s awesome, plus it adds a little seek-and-find intrique to the photo challenge!
Love your Disney photo hop, Deb… thanks for inspiring us every week. xoxo
Amanda Craig
March 30, 2017 at 2:19 am
How fun, to meet another outdoor loving Disney family! And I think our next trips will overlap. We have 24 more sleeps until check-in!
April 3, 2017 at 3:15 pm
Ahhh… that’s so exciting!! And I love finding outdoor Disney lovers, too.
HAVE A WONDERFUL TRIP!! See ya’ real soon 😉
Clare Barnett
April 2, 2017 at 8:03 pm
Those are definitely shots I take every time too although at Disneyland Paris it is Fantasia gardens on the way in which I always photograph.
April 3, 2017 at 3:13 pm
Oohh…. I love it! Never been to Disneyland Paris, but my 12 year old daughter and I would LOVE to go there!! I’ll swing by your site and check out your pix.
Thanks Clare! *o*