Disney’s Magical Express

How would you like Mickey to pick you up at the Orlando airport, on his personal bus, and kick off your Disney World vacation right by giving you a relaxing, vacation-suspense-building ride to your resort?
“Excuse me… where’s the Mickey bus? I’m looking for my Mickey bus, to take me to Disney World. He’s expecting me.”
Aahh, yes – there it is. The air conditioned bus, all decked out with the Disney design on the exterior, the comfy seats, and the TV screens to play a “Welcome Video” for you (arguably the most exciting part) during your short ride to your Disney resort hotel. Don’t bother with your luggage. It’s time to let the Magic begin!
This is a definite highlight of our Disney vacations, and is a fantastic FREE perk of staying at a Disney property.
Disney’s Magical Express ~ A Money Saving Perk
If you live far enough that you are flying in for your Disney World vacation, take a hard look at this perk when debating whether or not to stay on property at the Disney World Resort.
At no charge, the Magical Express bus will transport you from the Orlando (MCO) airport to your Disney hotel – even handling your luggage for you! We typically go for a week, and using this option even eliminates the need for a rental car. Compare that against staying off site, renting a vehicle, and paying for parking each day at the parks. It can be a substantial cost savings.
And once you reach the Walt Disney World Resort property, the transportation options abound, are free, and are a fun part of the immersive Disney experience.
You will find there are numerous ways you can get to wherever you need to go on the Disney property, without having a car – be it any of the four Disney parks, Disney water parks, Downtown Disney, or any of the wonderfully themed Disney Resorts for eating, shopping, or just enjoying the atmosphere. Depending on your route, you may find monorails, buses, or boats waiting to take you around the World.

Disney’s Magical Express ~ Where Do I Sign Up?
When you book your vacation package directly online at the Disney website, the Magical Express will be a free option for you to add on. If you are unsure of your plans, or have a change come up – you can also call and have them either add or remove this option from your reservation later on.
They even track your incoming (and outgoing) flight numbers. You can log on to Disney’s reservation site to view all of your vacation details. If your flights change, you can make the updates yourself online.
Disney’s Magical Express ~ Before Your Trip
Closer to your trip date, you will receive a Magical Express booklet in the mail, with luggage destination stickers (to apply to your bags before leaving home) and tickets to board the bus once you arrive at the Orlando airport.
These tickets are great to have along with you on your day of travel, since it will allow you to get directly in line for your bus, rather than have to check in with Customer Service.
However, don’t allow keeping track of the Magical Express tickets to be a source of worry. It’s a pretty laid back system, and if you are heading out to start your Disney vacation … they are gonna let you on that bus!

Disney’s Magical Express ~ Luggage Delivery
The Magical Express luggage stickers you receive in the mail are brightly colored, and will have your Disney resort and guest names printed on them. These are for you to apply ahead of time to any bags you will be checking with the airline.
The Magical Express bag handlers do ask for a 3 hour window after your arrival, to deliver your luggage to your room. So make sure to bring whatever you may need right away (swimsuit, etc).
If you will be arriving on a late flight, consider the “handle my luggage for me” option closely. It may be wiser to just claim your luggage on your own. Mickey’s been known to call it a day around 11 PM, and in that case your bags may not show up until the next morning.
As a side note, a couple of years ago we arrived late and were staying at a Value Resort. After 11 PM, and still no sign of our bags – we called the front desk, just to check. They actually did have our luggage in a secure room near the front desk/lobby, and we were able to track them down (even though it was apparent they had intended to wait for morning delivery). So it’s worth a call if you get suck in this situation.
So again, if late evening arrival is a concern, just don’t apply the Magical Express luggage stickers when you check your bags. Grab your bags yourself at baggage claim, and the Magical Express driver can help you load them under your bus.
Disney’s Magical Express – What to Expect at the Airport
After leaving your arrival gate, you will head in the general direction of baggage claim. You’ll soon notice signs which are easy to spot and clearly marked, directing you to the correct level and area to find your Disney Magical Express bus.

Aaahhh… the anticipation builds, as you bypass baggage claim (Whew! Loving that part!) and go directly seeking your Mickey bus, waiting just for your family.
It’s like a modern day Cinderella Coach. I tell you, that’s what it is.
And having your luggage magically delivered to your room, without having to retrieve and lug it around yourself? Blissfully stress free!
Now either take those tickets they will send you ahead of time and head directly to the red-roped lines, or just check in at the large Customer Service counter available. There are several different lines, guiding visitors to a specific bus based on their hotel destination. If you peer out of the airport terminal windows, you’ll see a row of Disney Magical Express buses parked and waiting for new arrivals.
In our experience, we’ve never waited more than 10-15 minutes for the bus to depart, even if we were the only passengers.
Let the Disney memories begin! For our family, getting off of that plane and boarding the Disney Magical Express bus has become that “Aaah!” moment when we truly feel our Disney vacation has begun. I recommend you try it on your next trip.
*o* *o* *o*
Has your family rode Disney’s Magical Express?
How was your experience?
Comments (9)
Julie L.
July 27, 2012 at 1:21 pm
We took our very first ride on Magical Express during our first family trip in April 2010….what an amazing perk! I never want to do it any other way 🙂
July 27, 2012 at 3:04 pm
That was our experience, too Julie! Tried it the first trip and loved it – so fun & convenient!! Wouldn’t have it any other way now…
Thanks for your comment, and for stopping by. 🙂
July 27, 2012 at 4:08 pm
We always drive – but I have set up many clients with ME – it’s such a great perk!
August 5, 2012 at 9:19 pm
I agree, Katrina! Hey, hey … you get a good enough deal on your Disney package, and you can’t afford NOT to go, right? ;-D
Beth D.
July 30, 2012 at 10:55 am
We have yet to try Magical Express because of concerns I heard about the time it takes to get luggage, but I had no idea you could just grab your own. I guess I did not do my research well! We have rented a car the last few trips, but I think we may have to try this out, as the rental car discounts seem to be getting fewer and far between! Thanks for the great review of DME!
August 5, 2012 at 9:22 pm
Hi Beth! Can you tell how excited I get over the Magical Express? lol … Thought maybe I got too carried away with the details on this post, but sometimes it’s just fun to walk through it. I know when I’m at home planning a trip and curious about something new we haven’t tried yet, I love reading the personal scoop from someone. 🙂
Thanks for your comment!
August 15, 2012 at 11:10 am
There’s nothing like the disney magical express to get you pumped up with excitement too! Love it! xx
August 16, 2012 at 12:49 pm
EXACTLY – I agree, Scarlett!! Aaahhh… a Magical Express kindred spirit ;-D
Thanks for swinging by, and your comment!
Magical Blogorail ~ Tips For Your First Disney World Trip – Colorado Mountain Mom
July 12, 2013 at 6:16 pm
[…] cost savings: Including free parking at parks, Magical Express bus service from the airport, Disney Special Offers on their […]