Mom Needs a Getaway – Or Does She?
My kids are 2 and 7, and although the center of my world, and as delightful as they both are … I get pushed to the point of needing a break from them.
I see stay at home moms with four children, who keep it together seamlessly day after day with a sane, satisfied smile on their face. I’m not that mom.
Perhaps it’s because I spent over a decade living alone and being an independent single girl with access to lots of quiet time. Or perhaps it’s simply because my nerves aren’t always resilient enough to withstand the incessant take-take-take, gimme-gimme-gimme, I want-I want-I want which two little ones can generate. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom very much. It’s just a really big job.
So when I recently had a frivolous opportunity to visit my best friend in Texas, alone – I took it. It would be a fleeting, two night trip… but I hadn’t seen her in 6 years, and the chance to do some mommy-free girl bonding was irresistable.
This means I’d be traveling solo. Airline travel with no sippy cups or diaper bags? Having sole access to my fully charged, electronic devices? Did I still know how to do this? Bliss. It sounded like pure, heavenly bliss.
So imagine my surprise at my reaction.
On my flights and in the airport terminals, all I saw (or had my eyes and heart drawn to, at least) was every 2 year old in sight. I played peek-a-boo with the toddler in the row in front of me. I was tempted to pass over my pretzels to the mom traveling with two little ones behind me, and nearly offered to hold the lap child for a bit. And I almost passed over my iPhone, to share my baby son’s favorite Fischer Price app with the struggling parent across from me.
I missed my kids. Pure and simple. I honestly and whole-heartedly wished that they were there. I have to tell you, this came as a big surprise to me.
I had my friend’s adorable, almost the same age as my son, little boy to tide me over.

And in a frustratingly compressed period of time (boo, American Airlines for cancelling my flight mid-trip and robbing me of 1/2 day of my visit) – my friend and I had a wonderful catch up session and made some fantastic memories to tide us over.

I used to travel for work. I thought I missed the adventure, the change, the exploring, the challenge. Part of this getaway included renting a car and heading downtown Houston during morning rush hour traffic. Boy did that take it out of me. (Incidentally, this was to attend Disney’s On-The-Road Social Media Moms event – a great time!)
It was a self discovery wake up call: being a wife and mom at home IS my current challenge in life. And I love it. And it’s exactly what I want to be doing in life right now.
At the risk of sounding like I no longer enjoy travel (which isn’t true), or that I regretted visiting my friend (which totally isn’t true) … I was ready to be back home.
Maybe mom doesn’t really need a getaway. She probably just needs to read a good book in her quiet bedroom for an hour or so. 🙂
That’s me, anyways. How about you?
Comments (7)
September 24, 2012 at 1:19 pm
You totally captured the push and pull of our mommy heartstrings when we aren’t with our kids. Ironic how we crave that time alone only to want to race back to our kiddos! So glad you went to Disney on the Road in Houston-did you enjoy it?
September 24, 2012 at 3:04 pm
Aahh, “push and pull” – so well put. That’s it exactly, Sherry!
Fun to hear other moms weigh in. I’m not so unique in this crazy battle, it seems. 🙂
September 24, 2012 at 3:11 pm
Oops – forgot about the Disney On the Road part…
That was my first blogging event ever. I arrived late (traffic!) and had to leave early (airport!) so wished I had more time, but that was my fault and my only complaint. It was REALLY neat. Great content. Super fun to see Disney Laura Spencer! Loved meeting Mary from Capturing Magical Memories. Just an overall fantastic time!
September 24, 2012 at 2:20 pm
I’m the same way every time I travel. I always think this will be my last trip because I miss my son so much I cry!
September 24, 2012 at 3:06 pm
LOL … and then that next email invite with an amazing blogger trip opportunity arrives, and your little heart skips a beat – right? ;-D
Fun to compare notes with other moms. Thanks so much for swinging by, Melissa!
Steve Burns
September 24, 2012 at 3:07 pm
We have an adult getaway once a year or so, leaving our son with my parents for a few days. We do enjoy a little time away. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we would want to do it permanently. 🙂
September 24, 2012 at 3:12 pm
See, that sounds just about right to me. Having the grandparents get their bonding time in, while the parents take a getaway break together is a great idea. We’re going to try and do that for the first time next year, for our 10th anniversary!
Thanks for stopping by, Steve 🙂