My Magical Moment at Disney
My Disney blogging friend Disney Blue Fairy Shares Ariel runs a great series featuring different Magical Moments that fans have experienced while at Disney.
A former Cast Member herself, who used to work at Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom, she has had quite a few pixie dusted moments of her own! But she wanted to create a forum to share others happy memories as well.
She writes:
I have been sharing my magical moments, which was one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging. …then I thought…wouldn’t it be wonderful to start sharing other Disney fans Magical Moments on my blog! So, if you had an amazing Magical Moment at Disney, or your child/children had a great character experience, or something wonderful happened at Disney with your WHOLE family and you would love to share this Magical Moment with others…now you can
Ariel recently featured me, where I wrote about a fantastic experience we had during a three-generation trip to Disney World. Check it out by clicking this link (or the Magical Moments button above), and while you’re there … please tell her I said “hi”!