My runDisney Princess Half Marathon Training ~ I Told Her!
If you’ve been following the tale of me pursuing my first runDisney race, you may know that the plan is for our Most Excellent runDisney Princess Adventure to be a three generation girls trip. My mom, myself, and my 10 year old daughter. And that it was a BIG SECRET for my daughter!
I registered her and myself for the 5k on Friday, and just myself for the half marathon on Sunday. Plane tickets are purchased, Disney package reserved. It’s 121 days away (but who’s counting?)
Running is something I want in my life, to stay fit, healthy, and active. For that same reason, I’d love to see my daughter embrace it, too. It kills me how sedentary kids are these days, and it’s not entirely their fault. I want to help her find an activity she loves, and I was hoping a fun event like this would prove to be as much of a motivating incentive for her, as it is for me.
I envisioned us running free… side by side. A strong and happy Mother-Daughter duo.
Or maybe a Mother running with a Daughter trudging 20 feet behind… whining about a side ache after only .75 mile.
Oh, com’mon! We’re doing an easy run-walk-run. And you’re 30 years younger than me, for the love?!
So it’s been a little frustrating. Am I pushing her too much? Do I need to push her more? I have no idea. I am worried that she’s only gearing up for a 5k, and I need to train for a half marathon. How do I incorporate her, but still run hard and far enough to get myself ready?
Ahh, but it’s the overall upcoming runDisney experience that gets me super excited and back on track mentally. I feel planning and anticipation are half of the fun of a Disney trip! She’s my little Disney Kindred Spirit, and as much as I wanted to keep this trip a surprise… I decided I should tell her. It would provide her with 4 months of excitement and joy to relish in the upcoming trip. Plus contribute a sprinkling of pixie-dust running motivation!
(And also she reads my blog. So it was a ticking time bob, really.)
First, I wrote her a poem to break the news. Then I boxed that up with a copy of her runDisney Princess 5K registration email, her running shoes, and her princess mouse ears. Wrapped it all in Disney Frozen paper, and presented her with a surprise gift.
That’s a happy princess! Now let’s hope it translates to some good runs in the upcoming weeks. 🙂
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Any tips for me, on how to help a 10 year old build their running fitness level?