I Play Like A Girl
It’s a sad reality that kids can’t play outside, all day every day, like they did a generation ago. In an effort to combat this, and help bolster her overall health, strength, and positive body image – we’ve looked for ways to help my 4th grade daughter find physical activities she enjoys. This year it’s been gymnastics and Girls On the Run (which is an awesome program, she’s been loving it!)
Childhood is the ideal time to create habits that establish a healthy weight. According to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, physical activity programs–like those provided by the non-profit Play Like A Girl–hold the most promise in reducing obesity rates among children ages 6-12.
Play Like A Girl has been inspiring girls through health education, physical activity and sports for over 10 years, targeting girls across the 16 Deep South states where the burden of childhood overweight and obesity is greatest. They continue to provide girls the opportunity to find and play sports they love.
Dallas non-profit organization I Play Like A Girl is announcing the launch of their new campaign #IPlayLikeAGirl, in conjunction with National Nutrition Month in March. The goal is to showcase the power of active play, physical activity and sports to improve overall health and quality of life for girls.
Creating a strong emotional connection with women and girls, #IPlayLikeAGirl is centered on a one-minute video that showcases sporty girls and young women practicing Yoga, running a mile, lifting weights, dancing and boxing among other physical activities. Condensed into thirty and fifteen second television and radio advertisements, their impactful messages will be seen and heard throughout all of the major broadcast outlets in the Dallas, Texas, region.
Play Like A Girl Champions
I love this concept, and applaud these efforts! Even if you don’t live in an area where you see Play Like A Girl offerings or ads – check out their inspiring website, where you can see 1-minute videos on “Play Like a Girl Champions”… hear their stories, and their description of how sports and activity can change your life for the better.
Play Like a Girl invites girls and women everywhere to join the movement and share how they play like a girl! Tweet, snap a photo, shoot a video or send a message to join the conversation and inspire young girls everywhere to be active, including hashtag #IPlayLikeAGirl!
For more information or to make a donation, visit www.iplaylikeagirl.org and follow Play Like A Girl on Facebook (/iplaylikeagirl), Instagram (@iplaylikeagirl) and Twitter (@iplaylikeagirl).
Let’s be healthy, strong women and raise healthy, strong girls. Go Play Like a Girl!
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