4 Reasons I’m Hopeful We’ll Survive This School Year
Here we go people, this is not a drill. Both of my kids headed back to school today. My son had a really rough year last year in first grade, for a number of reasons. It broke my heart to see him hating to go to school.
Yet, I am very hopeful that his experience will be better this year. I want him to enjoy his time there, so he can learn to love learning. Here are a few reasons I think we’re off to a good start.
A Cool Backpack Never Hurts

Ok, admittedly I was MUCH more excited than my son was about finding this Star Wars backpack. We purchased it at the Disney Store when we were shopping in Denver this summer. (I refuse to call it “last” summer. It’s just too soon.) We don’t usually get to shop there, so I was happy. Again, even happier than my children… but that gets into my Disney problem.
I’m not sure how we squeezed 2 school years out of his last backpack, with its broken zipper and layers of dinge. But now we’re squeaky clean, cleverly coated in black, and ready for business.
Plus, the force may be with him. It can’t possibly hurt.
Mom’s Got Snack Game
In my 8 year career thusfar as Mother of School Aged Children, I have never pulled this off before. Ever. Not even once.
Until this year.
It occurred to me yesterday at around 5:00 pm that although we had completed:
- School supply shopping
- Back-to-school clothes shopping (even though every summer I talk smack about NOT doing this one)
… we had nothing for their packed lunches the first day. Ohforgoodnesssakes.
Packing food for the day for two kids is, by far, the most chaotic and stressful part of our morning routine. So we head to the store, for one more expensive haul. It was worth it. I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself to have a bunch of stuff ready to go. I even let them each pick one [gross, unhealthy] “lunchables” for the first day. *shudders*
This is what my kitchen counter looked like before we went to bed last night. Let’s see how long I can keep up this awesome mojo. I give it a week.
Dodged the $50 Sneaker Bullet (Well, one of them…)
Bless the heart of the sweet 7 year old child who cares not for brand names. We got away with a $20 pair of sneakers on sale at Target this year. Woo hooo!
This was especially appreciated after last year’s annoying experience. Last summer I got stuck spending $50 for some brand name sneakers my son loved, only to watch them start to fall apart after 2 weeks. Shame on Sketchers. Shame, shame!
I didn’t come out nearly so financially ahead with my middle schooler’s footwear choice. But I guess that’s understandable. I still remember vividly how ecstatic it made me to get my very first pair of Nikes for 7th grade (aka “Junior High”). How they’ve been able to maintain that kind of fervor across decades is a marvel to me.
Before-School Surprise From the Teacher
A couple of days before school started, we received a poem in the mail from my son’s new teacher, along with a baggie containing some festive foil confetti.
Here’s what it said:
The Night Before School
The night before school is exciting and fun,
There is always so much that has to be done.
Your clothes are all ready; your backpack is too,
Your classroom is full of fun things you will do.
Lots of questions go through your mind,
Different thoughts of every kind.
Sometimes we all get the jitters down deep.
And that makes it hard to fall fast asleep.
So, I found this magic confetti for you.
Full of promises for the whole year through.
On Tuesday night when you lay down your head,
Just sprinkle some under your pillow in bed.
The confetti will help you sleep through the night.
And wake in the morning fresh and bright.
I’ll sprinkle the confetti under my pillow too –
And think about my first day with you!
Lots of love,
Mrs. Guddat
I love her already!
How incredibly awesome is that?! I was so grateful for this, and super impressed. How much a small gesture can mean to a nervous and fretful little boy. It changed the tone of the night before school from dreadful and gloomy into a positive, almost exciting thing.
So here we go. I hope you and your kids all get off to a great start this year.
*o* *o* *o*
Comments (2)
August 16, 2018 at 3:12 am
That was awesome! Such a discerning and loving thing to do!!!
August 16, 2018 at 2:45 pm
Isn’t that awesome? Very thoughtful. I think she’s going to be a great teacher for him this year. 🙂