Screen-Free Week ~ Can You Take the Challenge?
One of my favorite, outdoorsy-type blogs, A Little Campy recently had a great post about an upcoming event with a fantastic purpose.
The non-profit group “Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood” is currently promoting their annual event: Screen-Free Week.
This nationwide event is scheduled for the upcoming week of April 30th – May 6th. It is designed to get you and your family detached from our modern day electronics, leaving you with a chance to slow down and reconnect, and hopefully get your kids outside to play!
A Guide To Help Get You There (and Explain Why You Should Go)
Already receiving nationwide support and participation, they have even created an Organizers Kit for your use during your (challenging? liberating? laden-with-anxiety-from-withdrawls? like-a-breath-of-fresh-air?) Screen-Free Week… should you choose to participate.
I have downloaded and printed it, and the more I think about this idea – the more excited I am to try and participate, and convince my family to do so along with me.
A Tough Sell? But “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!”
As I am by far the biggest online junkie of the house, I am probably the toughest sell on this concept. Although my 7 year old may feel like the “no movies or computer games” is a punishment… my goal will be to turn our time into a special, EXTRA fun week.
As Dr. Seuss would say: Oh, the places we’ll go!
With each passing day of observing how changed is the world in which my kids are being raised in, my concern for the level of modern distractions pulling us away from what’s most important proportionately grows. I recently wrote about this briefly, in “Our Electronic Gadget Era ~ Any Regrets?”
Well, I guess this is my opportunity to put my money where my mouth is. I will be doing my best to be offline for one week.
(If I win a Disney sweepstakes during that period of time, and am disqualified for not responding to the email notification… oh dear, let’s not think about that…)
No Twitter. No Facebook. No Email. No blog. I am equal parts nervous, relieved, and excited.
What Will You Do For Such a Quiet Week?
Here’s what I plan to do instead: Enjoy my family. Nourish my spirituality. Cook some new recipes. And with Spring having rolled nicely around the corner – we will be sure to spend some time playing outside to fill that entertainment void (going for hikes and biking are our favorites).
The possibilities are endless … does this peak your interest at all?
My #1 Indoor Tip
This is something very simple, but I seem to forget about this option. And each time I try it, I am pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction from my kids.
Turn off the TV. And turn on some fun music! They act like they don’t even mind, and almost instantly switch gears from “watching” to “doing”… be that dancing, playing, drawing, what-have-you. I love it. And it’s very easy to do.
So What’s the Plan?
Can you try it? Or can you perhaps try a scaled down version of it? Like trying a couple of evenings that week to unplug with your family? Please let me know your plans or results, if you do!
See you after my quiet week …. can I really do it?
Comments (2)
April 26, 2012 at 11:24 pm
Thanks for the shout out! And I am so glad you have decided to join us in attempting to go Screen Free. Our main objective is to get more kids outdoors and active. So even a scaled down version is pretty awesome!
April 28, 2012 at 1:48 pm
Absolutely… thanks for spreading the word, I owe it to you! 😉
Yes- outdoors and active are fantastic goals. Wish we could get more kids out there! Here’s to a great week..