Boom Makeup Review: Gorgeous Skin for Women Over 40!

I’m an active mom who loves living in Colorado, and seeks outdoor adventures as frequently as I can. As a woman over 40, I’ve grown more conscientious about taking care of my skin. And although we sometimes stick with what we’ve been doing for years, I’ve also come to realize I needed to adjust my makeup. Here’s my Boom makeup review, explaining why I love Boom cosmetics and the boomstick trio by Cindy Joseph so very much.
UPDATE January 2019: I’ve used up all of my Boomstick Trio and other Boom makeup cosmetic review samples. But I’m now officially a Boom customer. I purchase these items myself, and absolutely love them. Read on for the full Boom makeup review.
I saw this ad on Facebook the other day and was instantly enthralled. She looked immediately familiar. That radiant, breathtaking, white haired, middle-aged model I had seen in numerous advertising photos. Come to find out, Cindy Joseph started modeling late in life. And now she has an awesome line of pro-age skin care and cosmetics especially for “older” women… BOOM! By Cindy Joseph.
I’ve used it now for one month. And I will never go back!
The 90’s Called… They Want Their Makeup Back
My makeup routine has been the same for years. (And years.) I don’t give it much thought, as I typically only apply cosmetics on the days when I’m going to the office. Other than that, I prefer the easier natural look.
But I’m not as young as I used to be. I just don’t look the same, and my skin doesn’t feel the same. You know where you get to that place in life, where you realize you should probably do something different (fashion/style/beauty wise)… but you aren’t exactly sure WHAT?
Boom Makeup Review ~ Cindy Joseph’s Philosophy
Well, Cindy calls her movement the “Pro-Age Revolution”. Imagine my delight in watching her demo applying 3 BOOMSTICKS, as her face gradually transforms into a beautiful, natural, healthy glow.
And I just knew. This is the next, age embracing, exciting stage for me! Not worrying about the increasing lines and wrinkles. But showcasing moisturized, radiant skin that glows.
My Battle With Lackluster, Dry Skin
I live in a dry climate, and winter makes it even more arid. When I apply lotion to my face it absorbs instantly, and then is gone. Sometimes it’s even hard to spread all over my face and neck, because it soaks in so quickly.
If you’ve ever experienced and been frustrated with that same skin scenario, I highly recommend you try BOOM Silk.

Boom Cosmetic Review ~ Boom Silk
What a luxurious experience! This is pure, nurturing moisture. I’m not sure if it would work for those with oily skin, as it is a bit ‘greasy’ at first. But for my combination skin, it’s heavenly. It feels amazing as you apply it.
You know how when you are dehydrated, and drinking water is good. But drinking an electrolyte sports drink is even better? Like, you can FEEL how much it’s quenching and satisfying what your body needs?
That’s how I feel about applying BOOM silk lotion on my face, neck, hands (and even legs) at the end of the day.

Plus, it makes so much sense about using all natural ingredients like honey and bees wax. All edible and organic ingredients. Not that you plan to eat your lotion. But Cindy is spot on… think about how our bodies absorb things through our skin and internalize it? Medicine patches, therapeutic oils, etc. Yet another reason using a lotion like BOOM silk makes good sense.
And oooohhhh those Boomsticks! They are the best part!
The Boomstick Trio by Cindy Joseph will win your heart.
I did a Boomstick Trio review of all three and found them creamy and moisturizing. They’re made by beekeepers in Hawaii (honey is a natural collagen simulator). You can purchase these separately, and I feel the price is extremely reasonable. Or, if you buy the BOOMSTICK TRIO set of 3 (which I recommend, because you will love them all) the cost per stick is slightly less.
The BOOMSTICK TRIO includes:
- BOOMSTICK Trio Glow – pure moisture and protection, for all over use
- BOOMSTICK Trio Color – works for any skin tone and adds a lovely glow to cheeks, lips, forehead, neck. All in one easy stick!? I love it, it’s a really pretty hue.
- BOOMSTICK Trio Glimmer – adds radiance! This one is so fun. No, it’s not frosty or glittery. It’s just right.

If I moisturize with BOOM Silk first, my skin seems to glisten a little (but in a good way, I like it compared to how dry and dull my face has been looking). I do have very uneven skin tone, and need to apply either a BB cream or liquid foundation first. Then here comes the BOOM!
My Morning Boomstick Trio Routine
First, I glide on the Boomstick Glow as extra, more long lasting moisture for my lips and crows-feet area of my eyes.
Next, I add some of the Boomstick Trio Color to my cheeks, high along my hairline, and just a touch on my chin where a cleft would be. I’m amazed at what a healthy glow this adds.
Last, I take the Boostick Trio Glimmer and glide it along the top of my cheekbones, and along each side of my neck. I’m too old for the “matte-look” anymore… I like the look of being shiny and moisturized!
Product reviews often introduce cool things into my life. But it’s rare that I feel like I’ve found a gem that I plan to make a permanent part of my life. That is how I feel about the BOOMSTICK trio. I have already gone to their website and purchased another set.
Overall, I am thrilled to have discovered this BOOM! By Cindy Joseph product line. I will be using them from now on, as I rock my pro-aging stage in life.
*o* *o* *o*
Photo credits BOOM by Cindy Joseph. I received some sample products described in this review at no cost. All opinions are my own.
Comments (2)
Jessi Mabis
December 9, 2022 at 7:13 pm
Hi, Tami. I live in Colorado Springs. I just found out about Boomsticks today and am interested in learning more about it. I am in love with the idea of being a minimalist with makeup. This sounds like it fits with that plan. My issue is under eye bags. I am wondering if you have any thoughts about that and if so, what you do about that? Also, do you find that living here in CO where it’s arid these products work for you?
December 12, 2022 at 8:47 pm
Hi Jessi,
Great question… I wish I had a solution for under eye bags! Sorry, I don’t have any tips for that. As for BOOMsticks working in dry Colorado, yes I think they do and that’s part of why I love them. I like the resulting dewey / moisturizing look over using dry powders or blush. I wrote this review awhile ago, but still love the Boomsticks and have not found anything else quite like them!
Thanks for swinging by,