Spring Shopping Decisions

I absolutely love that my 7 year old daughter makes her new dress selection based almost exclusively on the Twirl Factor. The best twirler wins, every time.
When Spring comes it always puts me in the mood for getting out my warmer-season clothes, and maybe doing a little shopping to add a couple fun styles and colors to my closet.
Remember when we weren’t so critical of ourselves when we went shopping? No, “ugg – this makes my hips look huge”… or “yuk – this color totally washes me out”. I miss those days.
I went shopping yesterday for a dress for my daughter, and she tried on 47 lovely options. (I’m exaggerating, but only slightly.)
And she did the exact same thing for each and every one. Slipped on the dress, performed the twirl check in front of the mirror, and then did a little dance. No music, just a spontaneous, happy little jig.
Me: “Honey, you have a ton of dresses left to try on. You can’t dance in every single one.”
Her (excitedly): “Yes, I can! There are no laws against dancing in dresses, mom.”
She’s right. And I miss making my fashion decisions with such a carefree spirit.
How is your Spring Shopping going this year?
*o* *o* *o*
Comments (2)
March 26, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Um… do they make that dress in my size, because I completely love it.
March 26, 2012 at 2:54 pm
My youngest is all about the twirl factor too. And my oldest to a degree. But my oldest won’t wear dresses – though she likes flowy tank – and when she twirls in those – well, we have some issues 🙂