Top 5 Favorite Moments of Screen-Free Week
Here are some highlights from my family’s recent week spent “screen-free”. We went unplugged from TV and computers, and were all set to experience what kind of life would develop in their absence.
Did we make it all week without screens? No. Thanks for asking.
In part, this is because Friday Movie and Pizza Night is hard wired into my DNA. So we had our weak moments, but overall we did very well.
My Top 5 Favorite Screen-Free Moments
1. Game night on the deck – Toy Story Yahtzee by the glow of patio lights and stars.

2. Planting my new garden
3. A small, fun sewing project with my daughter.
4. Making fruit smoothies for breakfast each morning.
5. My 7 year old picking up her entire room, entirely by herself. An exciting first!
So Did We Get to Play Outside?
Yes, the kids did throughout the week. And much to my delight, they have been developing a pattern this Spring of wanting to do that more than anything else.
But alas, the force was not with us in the “going out to experience Wilderness” Department. Part of the problem is we are in the middle of a very large backyard makeover … in an effort to make our yard more safe and appealing for our kids to play outside! So it was for a good cause.
And on the couple of nights where we could have possibly escaped for a hike – it was very windy. Still mildly traumatized by the weather of my youth (I was raised in a Great Plains state) … I don’t do wind.
Biggest Screen-Free Lessons
This was somewhat intangible, but I noticed throughout the week when I was engaged in things – be it household chores or playing with my kids – I was truly engaged in them. I felt much more present. I didn’t have that tiny, subconscious voice nagging me in the back of my mind, “you should check your email”…. “what should you blog about this week?”.
It was refreshing, and my quest going forward will be to see if I can somehow strike a balance to capture that level of carefree engagement more often. Especially when playing with my kids.
And for once, I stayed on top of the laundry.
*o* *o* *o*
Comments (7)
Steve Burns
May 7, 2012 at 2:17 pm
It is always good to be reminded that we don’t always “need” some of the things we think we can’t live without. 🙂
May 7, 2012 at 7:13 pm
So true. Even babies instinctively know how to use touch screens now… I wonder how we’d really survive without our electronic stuff?! 🙂
May 7, 2012 at 3:10 pm
Congrats on your week! Very, very impressive. I think that I could easily get along without a tv. But a computer. I think I might develop a tic 🙂 I have my kids be screen free during the school week (for the most part – there are a few exceptions for things we do as a family – like watch Survivor and Amazing Race) – but they are so plugged into technology for school – it’s impossible to be screen free.
May 7, 2012 at 7:14 pm
I confess, using a computer for work during the week… I did peek at my email occasionally. Or else yes, I’d probably be looking at a new tic! LOL
May 7, 2012 at 6:53 pm
Thanks for sharing your experience, Tami! At this point in time, a screen-free week would be just short of impossible, but I’m thinking about trying it at some point during the summer. It’ll be hardest for me since I’m on the computer All. The. Time 🙂
May 7, 2012 at 7:15 pm
…or maybe just some brand of one? It was a neat experience – kind of “resets” you. Don’t feel like we watch that much TV. It really is peaceful when it’s off!
Mary @ The World Is A Book
May 10, 2012 at 4:31 am
Congratulations and bravo for surviving most of the week. We missed you at the hop last week. I don’t think I can live without looking at my Iphone and not checking emails or else I’d be one cranky mama. This is a great idea though and like you, laundry would be manageable too.