You Might Be Training For runDisney If…
This past July, I took the runDisney plunge for the very first time and registered for the Princess Half in February 2016. It will also be my first half marathon, which is daunting for a new runner like me. And without throwing out any embarrassing age numbers, let’s just say running was easier on my body 20 years ago. But being the Disney fanatic that I am…. it’s totally worth it! Right?
In training these past few weeks, I’ve noticed some amusing changes in my lifestyle and thinking patterns that apparently go along with training for a runDisney race. Do any of these seem familiar to you?
You Might Be Training For runDisney If…
- While exercising, you fantasize about churros and Mickey Ice Cream
- After a tough run, you logon to My Disney Experience to review your reservations and cheer yourself up.
- Your snack stash has been invaded by healthy energy bars and gels.
- Instead of online shopping for winter sweaters and boots, you scour the internet for tutus and compression socks.
- Dinnertime conversation now includes topics such as, “So what princess do you think mommy most seems like?”
- Instead of Doritos, Oreos, and ice cream… your grocery cart contains whole wheat pasta, bananas, and almonds. (And ice cream.)
- You obsessively read any and all blogs about runDisney race recaps.
- Your weekends have started to include a “long run”. Which often means running farther than you ever thought you could run.
- You love Jeff Galloway. God bless him.
- One week you think, “I’ve totally got this!” The next week, “There’s no way I can do this.” And then the next, “Yep, I’ve totally got this!!”
- Your runDisney board is the only thing you ever pin to anymore.
- Out of sheer necessity, you’ve gone ahead and taken that running tights plunge.
- Saturday, February 6th…. 14 MILE LONG RUN DAY on Jeff’s Princess Half training plan… feels a little like having an appointment for a root canal looming over your head.
- You’ve thought to yourself many, many times, “Only for Disney, would I be putting myself through this…”
*o* *o* *o*
Can you relate to any of these?? What did I miss?