8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day … EVERY Day With Kids!
I realize Earth Day was yesterday. But I was too busy planting trees to blog! 🙂 It got me thinking pretty much the same thing I think every year around the time of Earth Day: We should celebrate Earth Day EVERY day! We live on such an amazing and gorgeous planet. It’s vital to teach our kids to appreciate it, and nurture in them a desire to take care for it.
In my opinion, anything that gets your kids off that couch and out in the fresh air counts. With that in mind, here are 8 ideas to enjoy your own “earth day” ANY day with your kids.
# 1- Plant Something as a Family

It can be a few seeds in a small pot. Or adding a tree to your yard! It’s an incredibly good feeling to plant something, and Spring is the perfect time to do so.
We had two trees die in our front yard, within the past 3 years. So sad! Ugh. With our income tax refund in hand, we headed to a local nursery last weekend and picked out two replacement beauties: an Aspen tree, and a Purple Ash tree. They are bigger (and more expensive) than I thought they’d be… but the whole family is so excited to see new trees in our yard once again.
There’s nothing like a yard project to pry your kids away from their indoor screens. This feels harder and harder to do in our house lately. Maybe it’s being at the tail end of winter. At any rate, both of my kids enjoyed helping out.
They even helped dig the hole. For about about three minutes.
#2 – Outdoor Art Project… Jackson Pollock Style

I got this idea from a recent Art Heritage project at my son’s elementary school. Each month volunteers (like me and my mom!) go through a training class to learn about an artist and their work. Then we head into the classroom and teach the kids a short lesson, followed by an art project that reflects that artist’s work.
This month was Jackson Pollock. It made sense to take it outside, and let the kids cut loose! If you’re not familiar, Jackson Pollock used to place large canvases on the ground. He’d then splash paint, roll objects with paint, or just plain use his hands to create designs. Super messy = Super fun for kids!
Take it the next step and gather twigs to use as “paint brushes”. Grab some cheap acrylic paints at your local craft store, and head outdoors for this fun all-ages art project with kids. My mom has these sticks all ready to go, and we plan to try this outdoor art project on our own in the near future.
#3 – Family Adventure Day
Now that the temps are finally warming up, and the snow melting – it’s perfect Family Adventure Day season! Or at least time to start *thinking* about ideas of where you’d like to explore.
These see-where-the-day-takes-us, outdoor mini road trips are some of my families’ favorite memories. It’s a great way to explore your own backyard. Be sure to stop and wander a bit on foot, when you see a pretty area or landscape.
# 4 – Watch a Disneynature Film
Ok, this one’s indoors… but absolutely worthy of a “celebrating earth” list! I love that Disneynature (a branch of Walt Disney Pictures) continues to produce breathtaking nature films. I doubt they are huge money makers compared to superhero blockbusters, but they are masterfully done and family friendly. If you have not seen them, you are in for a treat. If you are already a fan… remember to revive them once in awhile and watch them with your kids!
Nothing builds appreciation and awe for nature more than watching it with your own eyes, and the animal kingdom never ceases to capture our hearts. It looks like Netflix currently has “Born in China”, “Wings of Life”, and “Growing up Wild” available to stream free (with your subscription).
Although there is no new film for 2018, Disneynature did just drop their trailer for Earth Day 2019 film: Penguins!
** These next 4 tips are from Deborah Salazar Shapiro, author of The Magical Mindful Day, a story about mindfulness, connection, and caring for the earth. I included them, because there are some great ideas here!
#5 – Eat the Colors of the Rainbow

The food we consume can have a big impact on the health of our planet. For one day, if possible, avoid consuming processed foods and other items that have artificial flavors and colorings. Try a new vegetable or legume—ask your children to pick a food in every color of the rainbow. Or play a guessing game of how many colors of fruits and vegetables are available where you live. How many do you like and why? After eating “colorfully,” see if you and your children can notice how your body feels.
# 6 – Express Your Gratitude to the Earth
This may feel awkward, because you’re probably not used to communicating with inanimate objects such as the food you eat or a beautiful flower or tree. That’s completely normal. Expressing our gratitude not only makes us feel joyful but also has the potential to help us develop respect and care toward animals or other living beings in nature. On Earth Day, you might encourage your children to take a brief pause and say “thank you” to the fruit or veggie they are going to eat, “thank you” to a tree, or even bow to show respect and appreciation for simply existing. How about hugging that tree? Some might think it’s too earthy-crunchy, but it feels so good!”
# 7 – Ditch Plastic Objects
Plastic is everywhere! And it is affecting our animals and especially our oceans. We are so accustomed to using a wide range of plastic objects that we might not even know where to start in eliminating them from our lives. On Earth Day, start with one simple action, such as having a picnic with reusable utensils. Ask your children for their ideas and suggestions of how to cut back on plastic. For example, help them to be mindful of carrying reusable bags and bottles or refusing a plastic straw at a restaurant. Make a list together as a family and then implement your ideas over time.
# 8 – Get Inspired
Read an inspirational book to your children or watch a movie together that honors the earth. Even better, celebrate with a community or do your own ritual with your loved ones such as writing a letter or a prayer in which they send good wishes to the planet. Connect with your compassionate and loving heart. Guide your children to use their imagination to visualize the planet and all living beings thriving. Finally, join a green organization or take a pledge to protect our wild animals and our natural resources. Check out the National Geographic Society or the World Wildlife Fund, where you can make a symbolic “species adoption” that contributes to their conservation efforts.
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