Do you find it hard to pay for water when you’re away from home? This has always been my stance, and as a result I have quite a collection of…
Best of Conversations With Coca-Cola Blogging Conference #CCLP
Last week I was invited as a guest of Coca-Cola to attend one of their regional blogging conferences, at their headquarters in Atlanta, GA. They cut us Western U.S. bloggers …
Coca-Cola Conference #CCLP & Travel Week Extravanza
With just under a year of blogging under my belt, I recently received an exciting email invitation from Coca-Cola Public Affairs. They are currently gearing up to host their 5th…
Easy Italian Meals with Bertolli
Buongiorno! Do you love easy meal ideas? How does some quick & delicious Italian food sound? Bertolli has an entire line of frozen meals, and have recently introduced a new,…
Easy Meals With Progresso Recipe Starters – Coupon
On most nights we cook dinner at home. And at my house, my husband (bless his heart) and I share this load. We both find coming up with the idea…
Firmoo – Free Pair of Glasses Offer & Review
Firmoo is a popular online eyeglasses store, offering mail order of prescription glasses at drastically reduced prices. Spending nearly a lifetime as a contact lens and glasses wearer, time and again I …
Thinksport & Thinkbaby Healthy Sport Bottles
Be it heading out to play, going on a trip, or just running errands – we tote water with us everywhere we go. And then came the BPA scare. Bisphenol-A…
Little Brother to the Rescue
Brushing my 7 year old daughter’s long, fine, naturally curly hair each morning is easily the worst moment of the day. For us both. Add the rush of getting ready…
Knot Genie ~ Detangling Brush $4 COUPON
11/15/12 UPDATE to this post: We’ve now received our own Knot Genie, and it definitely gets 2 thumbs up. I use it both on my 7 yr old daughter’s long…
Back to School Shopping ~ The Peak of Parenting Stress?
Summer went way too fast this year. For the first time, we found ourselves shopping for supplies and some back to school clothes the Saturday before school starts. It felt…