The following is a guest post contributed by one of this blog’s partners. A broken or faulty home AC can ruin your summer. It’s terribly uncomfortable when the inside of…
My Epic End-of-School Picnic Fail
I’m not proud of this parenting moment which occurred just last night. But I will say some of the sting was removed by a friend recently sharing a hilarious Jen…
How to Keep Insects Away From Your House
The following is a contributed post from a blog partner. Insects in your home – how to solve the problem There is no way you can avoid coming into contact…
We’re Raisin’ More Peeps!
There were two things I was super excited about for this Spring: planting a new Aspen tree where a previous one had died, and getting some new peeps! We’ve had…
How Is Water Treated To Make It Safe To Drink?
The following article is a collaborative post. Water is everywhere and you’d be forgiven for thinking it is the most abundant mineral on the planet. However, the fact is that…
Making the Most of Your Garden
The following article is a collaborative post. Spending time outdoors is very good for you. Numerous studies have shown this to be a fact. So, if you are lucky enough…
Where to Find Inspirational Baby Names
The following post was contributed by a partner. Is naming your baby more difficult than you imagined? Naming a baby isn’t rocket science, but it is a responsibility that parents…
5 Tips to Choose the Best Furnace Repair Company
The following article was written and contributed by one of this blog’s partners. No matter how good your furnace is, there’s bound to be the occasional issue. Parts break down…
2 Simple Plumbing Fixes That You Should Know About
The following was contributed by a blog partner. Plumbing and electricity are two areas where many people are not confident with doing the work themselves. This is understandable. While electrics…
How to Assemble a Winter Safety Kit
One of the biggest blessings and joys of living in Colorado, is also one of its biggest concerns – I’m talking about our beautiful winters. Our state’s Department of Transportation…