backyard herb garden

Making the Most of Your Garden

March 8, 2018COMtnMom

The following article is a collaborative post.

backyard herb garden
Image courtesy of nalinratphi at

Spending time outdoors is very good for you. Numerous studies have shown this to be a fact. So, if you are lucky enough to have a garden or yard it is important that you make the most of it. The nicer you make it the more likely it is that you will spend more time out there. To help you to do so, here are a few ideas.

Plant a Nice Tree

Trees always look attractive. They clean the air, provide a home for wildlife and even add value to your property. Therefore, if you have enough space including one in your yard or garden design makes a lot of sense. Whether you have a lot of space or just a patio The Tree Center will sell a tree that is suitable for your garden.

It is important to choose one that will grow well in your climate and soil. Provided you do that, the tree that you plant will continue to grow and continue to be there to please many generations of your family.

If you choose a big enough and strong enough variety you could even build your kids a treehouse. In some areas, you do not even need to seek planning permission to do so.

Create an Outdoor Dining Area

Eating outside is an especially enjoyable pastime. So, if you can, create an outdoor dining area. It does not have to be anything elaborate. If you are not sure that you will use it much, start out by buying a second-hand table and chairs. Later, when you have a better idea of what your family really needs you can spend a bit more money and buy something new.

If you find yourself eating outside a lot, it makes sense to construct some sort of outdoor kitchen. There are plenty of great plans available online, which you can use to get the design right. You will find plenty of inspiration on this website.

Make your Garden Easy to Access From Your House

If you do not have patio or French doors, consider having them installed. This creates a better connection between your house and garden. Plus, during the colder months, you will be able to continue to enjoy your garden. It will also encourage you to spend more time outside, even when the weather is not particularly warm.

Invest in a Hot Tub

For busy families who are not at home much during daylight hours, investing in a hot tub can be an especially good move. After a long hard day, it feels great to be able to slip into the warm water and soak the aches and pains of the day away.

Invest in Some Outdoor Lighting

Installing some form of lighting in your garden will also encourage you to get out there more. You do not have to spend a fortune. A single puddle of light that allows you to see enough to pour your glass of wine is all you really need.



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