Disney Wordless Wednesday ~ Characters at Mickey’s Toontown Fair
Welcome to Disney Wordless Wednesday! This week’s theme: Character Encounters
A few short years ago, we took our first Disney World trip together as a young family. This was a time when Mickey’s Toontown Fair was still open, and the Walt Disney World Railroad featured a stop in this area.
Characters at Mickey’s Toontown Fair
As we pulled into the Toontown Fair station, we were very excited to see an entire group of characters ready and waiting to greet us, at an area just off to the side (literally, no lines… I believe they had just been brought out).
Still new to the Disney trip scene, none of us realized how rare the situation being presented actually was – from the large number of characters, to the very few people in the area, to the unique characters we saw that day.
Being totally drawn to her, and there being no other fans around… my daughter ran back up to Marie 3 different times! We’ve never had a “Character Encounter” quite like it – before or since. It was priceless.
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Comments (9)
Kimberly @ Frontierland Station
December 11, 2013 at 2:48 am
Great photos! I love the one of your daughter with Dopey! So cute!
Julie @RunWalkFASTPASS
December 11, 2013 at 2:16 pm
Love your photos…esp Max and the Robin Hood gang. What wonderful memories, thanks for sharing!
Deb @ Focused on the Magic
December 11, 2013 at 2:19 pm
Love these picture! Beautiful memories! I remember the excitement of seeing the characters at Toontown train station. No queue, no waits. Just walked right up. Wow, times have changed!
December 11, 2013 at 11:49 pm
I didn’t realize that used to be a regular thing?! So interesting. And only just 4 short years ago… You’re so right – a lot has changed!
Thanks, Deb!
December 11, 2013 at 3:22 pm
MAX! A family favorite! You really did hit character gold that day. This memory has to be extra special given that Toontown is no longer. Score!!
Lin @ DisneyMamas
December 11, 2013 at 4:20 pm
These are GREAT! Love seeing Friar Tuck!
James D.
December 11, 2013 at 9:09 pm
Ah! Mickey’s Toontown Fair! I wasn’t thrilled with it at the beginning, but it grew on me and now I miss it. You really got lucky that day with all those characters out at the same time in the same location. And I still haven’t met Max, even after all these years. I’m jealous!
Mary {The World Is A Book}
December 12, 2013 at 5:28 am
I’ve missed our interactions, fellow computer geek I love the new website design and I have missed visiting your site too but still know what you’re up to by being a subscriber. These are such precious shots. Our Toontown at Disneyland barely get any characters except for Mickey, Minnie and Goofy. Classic shot with Robin Hood and Friar Tuck – we’ve never seen them at the parks.
Mouse Fan Diane
December 13, 2013 at 4:16 pm
I love seeing all the old characters that don’t come out any more. Great pics Tami