Numbers for Your Speed Dial When You Live in the Desert

If you are living the dream in or around Las Vegas you will know all about the extremes of temperature that exist in this area of Nevada. Scorching hot summers and mild winters with freezing cold nights is what the good people of Vegas are probably used to, but it can be tough going for newcomers. The problem with living in a desert is how far you may be from your closest neighbour or store. With this is mind there will be some numbers you need to have on speed dial as they are vital in this part of the world.
Air Con
Air conditioning repair Las Vegas should be right at the top as getting through a summer without air con would be a very unpleasant experience. Air con isn’t a luxury in the Nevada desert, it’s an essential. With temperatures soaring to well over 104°F many residents stay inside their air conditioned homes through the summer days, only coming out if need be. There is no escape from the sun, no sea breeze or ocean to cool off in, so make sure the air con people are one of your priority contacts.
Pool Guy
Those lucky enough to have their own pool will certainly make use of it during the hottest months. There are loads of things that can go wrong with a pool and render it unusable. The number of dead animals found in pools shoots up through the summer as all manners of critters desperate for a drink simply fall in and drown. Smaller animals can get sucked into the pump and make an almighty mess, as well as actually breaking the pump. Whether it just needs a clean or the pump is in need of some TLC, a pool technician deserves to be on your speed dial list.
A Store That Delivers
The car may need fixing, you may be sick, or it may just be too hot to leave the house. For whatever reason you can’t get out you need to know you can easily get a hold of somebody who will bring essentials to your door. Those who live in quite remote areas tend to stockpile foods to cover times when they can’t get out but if you are caught out unexpectedly a food delivery will be essential. Wood deliveries in winter and the iceman in the summer, these tradesmen will all keep you going when you are confined to your home.
The Local PD
Anyone who was a fan of the original CSI could be forgiven for thinking that the desert around Las Vegas is a crime hot spot. There was definite artistic licence taken here to make sure the show was always entertaining but there is quite a high crime rate in this area and those houses sitting outside the city limits are often targeted. Most small communities will have a local direct number they call to get a faster response than calling 911, and this number should be right at the top. You never know when you will need the police department and you don’t want to be fiddling around trying to find the number in an emergency.