Breaking Away from Standard Gifts

When you consider that many children love to receive and open gifts, you want to also make sure the contents put a big smile on their face. As a more active family who likes to spend time outdoors, taking in all that the world has to offer, you may want to turn your back on some of the standard or popular gifts that other children may receive, and instead nurture their education and hobbies.
Of course, it is important that the child’s own wishes are taken into account, but finding some items that line up with your adventures as a family can be great too.
Learning Toys

Helping your child to go further in their early years may help them when it comes to schooling, exams, and even their adult life. While toys can be used for entertainment, it can also be a good idea to look into those that serve a purpose towards your child’s development.
You can find toys for 3 year old girls from Wicked Uncle that will engage their minds, creativity, and even hand-eye coordination, while still remaining fun. This can allow them to learn through play, which is the best way to improve a child’s skills at a young age.

When you enjoy spending time visiting new places and exploring nature, you might want to buy a gift for your child that helps nurture this enjoyment. While computers and other electronics can be fun, they can also cause a child to spend more time indoors, and even lead to video game addictions. Instead, you might want to think about what they enjoy.
Would your child, as an example, be interested in collecting and watching insects, or even growing their own food? By finding ways to give them skills, information, and allow them to continue engaging in their hobbies, you can pick gifts that are out of the ordinary, and will continue getting them outdoors.

Spending a lot of time outside means you will need to face what the elements throw at you. This means they may need different types of clothing to allow them to remain comfortable, especially if in extreme hot or cold temperatures. If your child genuinely enjoys their time in the open, they may be grateful to receive items of clothing that will allow them to continue doing so.
When you consider that specialist clothing, such as kids’ hiking boots or a quality kids ski jacket, can be more expensive than regular clothing, it may be better to give it as a gift, rather than just an everyday purchase.
Taking the time to consider and nurture your child’s love of the outdoors can help them to spend more time getting fresh air and exploring the world. When you combine education with fun, in an outdoor environment, you can end up with a child who broadens their knowledge of the world, and even prefers time outside to the standard stereotype of a child who spends most of their day indoors staring at a screen.