Possible Treatments For Your Sinus Problems

July 11, 2019COMtnMom


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Whether your sinus infection is recurrent or it is your first sinus infection, here is what you need to know. First, you are not alone. Sinus infection is one of the most common chronic health care problems in the United States. It afflicts 37 million people annually, and more than 8 million seek medical attention.

When the mucus is trapped in the cavities, it allows bacteria, virus, or fungi to grow in a moist environment. This trapped mucus causes sinus infection or sinusitis. Sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull, and when they are healthy, they are filled with air.

Below is a list of the cavities that are affected by a sinus infection. The cavities can be small or large, and they are in the face.

the ethmoid sinus is near the eyes
the sphenoid sinus is behind the nose
the frontal sinus is in the forehead
the maxillary sinus is in both cheeks

Causes and Types of Sinus Infection

There are many causes of sinus infection or sinusitis. By far the largest contributing factor is untreated allergies. Other causes include:

common colds
a deviated septum is when the nasal cavity shifts
a nasal polyp is a small growth in the lining of the nose
allergic rhinitis is swelling of the lining of the nose

Types of Sinus Infection

Acute sinusitis comes on suddenly and usually last 2-4 weeks.
Subacute sinus is an inflammation that usually lasts 4 to 12 weeks.
Chronic inflammation is a persistent process, and it usually lasts 12 weeks or longer.
Recurrent sinusitis occurs multiple times a year.

Symptoms of Sinus Infection

Now you know the causes, you should know the symptoms. If you feel constant pain in your forehead, cheekbones or the bridge of your nose, these are symptoms of a sinus infection. Other symptoms include:

running nose
sinus pressure
nasal drainage
ear pressure
bad breath
sore throat
extra mucus

Treatment Options

The severity of your symptoms and the length (after seven days) of the symptoms will determine how your sinus infection should be treated.

You may feel a little bit overwhelmed by the number of treatment options available. But do not panic. Sinuplasty experts at the Hudson Valley Centers can provide the right treatment for your illness.

Treatments for Viral Sinusitis

Viral sinus infection does not last very long and they can be cured with rest and home remedies. If, however, if the sinus infection is bacterial, has lasted more than seven days and are recurrent, you may require a range of treatments from prescription antibiotics to surgery.

For a viral sinus infection, several home remedies can be effective in the short term. Some of the remedies include the following:

Over-the-Counter medication: If you have a headache and fever, Ibuprofen and aspirin are effective in relieving these symptoms. For nasal drip symptoms and sore throats, throat sprays or cough drops can provide relief. There are antihistamine medications that are effective in sinus infection as well, such as Sudafed, Claritin, and Benadryl.

Humidifiers: The use of a humidifier can add moisture to the air. Moisture can help the mucus flow quickly and reduce congestion.

Steam Inhalation: Respiration tract can be open up by using eucalyptus, peppermint and other oils. The oils have properties that may help fight the infection.

Nasal Irrigation: Neti Pots and sinus rinses can be used for any nasal congestion, whether it is allergy or sinus infection because of they clear sinus drainage and help with nasal irrigation.

Rest: When you are ill, it is always best to get plenty of rest to let your body recover.

Hydrate: Drink plenty of liquids because liquids can thin the mucus and reduce blockage.

Bacterial Sinus Infection Treatments

Prescription Antibiotics and Nasal Spray

If a doctor determines that you have a bacterial infection, he can prescribe antibiotics and prescription nasal spray.

Surgical Procedures

If your sinus infection is severe, recurrent, and they do not respond to medication, a surgical procedure may be required. There are many procedures available, and you may feel a little overwhelmed. But don’t panic, the experts at the Hudson Valley Sinus Center can provide the right treatment for you. They can provide a number of state of the art procedures such as balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon Sinuplasty

If you are looking for a procedure that is less invasive than standard surgery, balloon sinuplasty is an ideal treatment for your chronic sinusitis. Dr. Rubinstein, a sinuplasty expert in Hudson Valley, NY, was the first doctor in the area to perform this groundbreaking treatment on his patients.

Balloon Sinuplasty has been approved by the FDA to open blocked sinuses, and it has provided relief to more 380,000 patients suffering from chronic sinusitis. The procedure can be performed in an office setting without general anesthesia, and it is safe, and the recovery time is far less than standard procedures.

The surgeon uses an endoscope to insert a tiny catheter through the nose into the sinus cavity that is blocked. The catheter releases a small balloon into the nasal passage. As the Balloon slowly inflates, it reshapes the walls of the sinus passage. Unlike standard procedures, it does not require cutting, so there is minimal bleeding. Like with all surgeries, there are risks, and they include:

• There can be mucosal and tissue and mucosal trauma

• There is a chance the Infection may persist

• There is a potential optic injury but it is rare

According to published clinical data, when experienced sinus surgeons perform balloon sinuplasty, it provided relief to almost 100% of patients.


If you are experiencing difficulty in breathing so much so that it affects the quality of your life, you should consider Septoplasty. This procedure can be used to correct the displacement of the bone and cartilage that divides the nostrils.

This displacement is called deviated nasal septum. Difficulty in breathing requires a more invasive procedure like Septoplasty. During the surgery, parts of the septum are cut and removed in order to straighten and reposition the middle of the nose.

Deviated septums are not uncommon. However, some can block one side of the nose and reduce airflow. Deviated septum exposure to the drying effect of airflow can cause bleeding and crusting. The septoplasty procedure can alleviate the bleeding and crusting by straightening the nasal septum.


If you are suffering from nasal congestion, over-the-counter medication, nasal irrigation, and steam inhalation can be effective. But, if your symptoms persist after ten days, and you are not responding to medications such as antibiotics and steroids, you should seek medical intervention.

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